Here's What's Happening in the Life of the Church
Just TEXT the word "check" to church phone number to let us know you are 'viewing' Worship services.
It's so easy! After you watched the weekly message, use your smart phone to send a text message to the church phone # 352-683-2600. Text the word "CHECK" and send along, instantly you will be sent a link and if you follow that link you can check in yourself and any others in your household as having viewed the weekly message. This helps us stay connected to you and know that you are actively participating in the life of the church. Go ahead and save the number as a contact in your phone as there will be additional features available as well.
Worship with us on Sunday
Pastor Greg will be preaching “Cornerstones: Building a Faith that will Last” with scripture from Acts 2:36-47 (NIV).
Adult Bible studies-
Sunday Adult Class meets at 9 am, in the Sanctuary building:
Rock for All Ages in S# 2. All are welcome. We meet all year long! We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00 in Room #2. Our curriculum is Bible Studies for Life. We are a discussion group where we want everyone to feel comfortable contributing to the lessons.
Christianity Today in S#4. Our study is on the seven churches in the Book of Revelation.
Lamplighters Bible Study Tuesdays : THIS STUDY IS CANCELLED FOR THE NEXT @ MONTHS as the leader is takes time to heal from surgery.
Pastor Greg's Wednesday Bible study on 1 Corinthians resumes on January 15th at 6 pm in bldg B.
New Precepts Bible study on the Psalms starting Monday January 27th from 1 pm—2:30 pm in bldg D, #4. Through Psalms we learn about God—His attributes, what pleases and displeases Him, His relationship to the righteous and the wicked, and His revelation of the future concerning Messiah, salvation, and judgment. The class on the first 22 Psalms. We will study a psalm a week learning the inductive study method. As we get more familiar with the method we may do 2 psalms a week which will shorten the course. If not, it will go until mid June. The workbook is $15. If you are interested in this study please contact Karen McCleskey before Jan 17 so she can order a book for you. or 352-397-5683
Men's Apologetic's Bible study Tuesdays at 8:30 a.m. Now meeting at Panera's on Hwy 19. Come join our group.
Men's Bible study meets Thursdays, at 8:30 am in Bldg D, classroom #3.
Woman's "Mary Martha" Bible study meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in bldg D, classroom #3. Next meeting is January 21st. We will continue with our Armor of God study. We are currently on The Breastplate of Righteousness Week 3.
"Act Like Men"...Bible study meets the second Saturday of each month in bldg B. It runs from 8:30-10 AM. Next meeting is January 11, 2025. As Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." We have started a breakfast potluck "tradition" where each person brings something to share. Could be a casserole, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, What would you like to bring? Come with Bibles ready. Hope to see you there!!
Pastor Greg's Wednesday Bible studies on line - The entire study of the Book of Hebrews has been recorded, and his current study on 1 Corinthians is also on-line. If you are unable to come evenings, miss a day, you're part of the Choir or Music Band, OR you just want to grow in a Bible study, this gives you the opportunity to watch them at your convenience. Click the link below for the youtube page to choose to follow along with Pastor Greg.
NextGen Ministries for Kids & Pre- Teens
Our Children's Director is Tonya Stout. You can find her along with an amazing volunteer team each Sunday morning in Building C at 10:30. Entry is the west door with the catwalk leading to the Sanctuary. Join us for faith-filled fun for ages 4yrs- 5th grade.
Our doors open at 10:15 am on Sunday. This allows time for parents to check their kids in and get to church on time. Kids church worship begins at 10:30 am and is interactive with hands-on activities, Bible Stories, songs, crafts and more.
Pick up time for your kids is immediately following the service.
Our curriculum is Bible based. We love that our children are inquisitive and enjoy engaging in conversations about the Bible, the lesson, and sometimes challenge us with some of their thought-provoking questions requiring us to dig a little deeper or even research the answers.
Check your child into building A. You will be greeted when you arrive. We will collect your contact information as well as your child’s information to provide the best experience possible for your child.
After the service, you return to the same space pick-up your child.
We ask that you notify us of any allergies and/or other pertinent information we may need to know about your child.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Group meets each Sunday evening from 5 pm - 6:30 pm in building A inviting all teens to join us for an hour filled with Bible teachings, food, games and Jesus. Mike Conway is our Youth Minister. Each week we begin with a fun time, usually a game of modified volleyball. Then we come together for a lesson and time for discussion. If time permits, we conclude the evening with a little more fun. We would like to encourage all of the youth from sixth grade to twelfth grade to come and join us for an evening of fun and growing in our faith, understanding, and knowledge of our Lord.
We are committed to building stronger generations of faith, hope and love through Jesus Christ. From Biblical teaching and group discussion to wild games and fun, SpringLife is the place for youth to be.
Volunteers needed
SpringLife Kids ministry is dedicated to building stronger faith foundations for our children. We are looking for volunteers to help us expand our ministry to give our kids opportunities to experience God and His love through different media.
There is a place for everyone… are just some of the places we could use your help. We are looking to expand our ministry to give our kids opportunities to experience God and His love through different media.
1. Sunday mornings- Volunteers to be extra hands with lessons. Includes assisting with fun activities- no teaching involved. Commitment of 1 time per month at 10:30.
2. Game Leader- Looking for 1-2 volunteers to lead special game 1 time a month / or every 2-3 months (flexible). Volunteers can create their own game or we can work together.
3. Music – Looking for volunteers -someone who would like to lead a special music activity 1 time per month/ 3 months. This can be a hand motion song, ribbon activity, etc.
4. Special Crafts- Holiday/ series based/ special occasion- Volunteer/ assist with special larger scale craft a few times per year.
5. Special Event Volunteer- Look for volunteers willing to help with extra events like Kids night out/ Advent/ Lent/ Etc. 1-3 times per year. This does not include VBS.
6. Snack Divas- Volunteers willing to make special treats for the kids a few times per year. Can be done from home.
7. Prep Specialist- Volunteers who are willing to cut or package materials for lessons this can be done from home.
Contact Children's Ministry, Tonya Stout for more information.
VOLUNTEER Requirements for Children's Ministry:
· Complete Background Check
· Training / Orientation
Mission of Hope International is our January M.O.M.
Missions of Hope International provides hope and transformation to the marginalized communities in Kenya and beyond. The funds raised will be used towards our unsponsored children’s fund project which helps provide education, nutrition, medical care, and spiritual development to children in our program who do not have a sponsor. As we gain newly recorded children or in situations where sponsors must discontinue, this fund helps provide these kids needs while we work to find new sponsors.
Parents everywhere want to give their children everything they need to thrive. The trouble is, some people are living in extreme poverty, and their ability to provide for their children is limited by circumstances outside their control. Living on less than $2/day, with no viable avenues to earn more, parents feel stuck, even hopeless — forced daily to pick and choose which critical needs to meet. No one should be confined to a life of poverty.
We thank you for helping us achieve our mission and vision of breaking cycles of poverty through the gospel of Christ. We thank you for your desire to support Mission Of Hope International through your mission of the month. To donate to Missions of Hope International use the link below.
Monthly Ministry Updates
Brooksville Christmas Parade, Thank you to our volunteers and Outreach Team. SpringLife Church was represented by about 20 people busy giving out thousands of bags of candy with our church info along the route!
Foodie Tour's... where friends meet friends!
The first Foodie Lunch Tour of 2025 will be held on Jan 9th at the Silverthorn Community "Club". Join us at “The Club” located at the Silverthorn Community off Barclay Ave (across from Salishan) on Jan 9th at 11:30 a.m. There are 4 selections to choose from (a)Reuben sandwich $15.00; (b)Caesar Salad with chicken $17.00; (c)Fish and Chips $17.00; or (d)Hamburger $16.00. Sandwiches include choice of fries or onion rings. Sign up on the Central Hub and select your choice of meal. Reservations are due no later than Jan 6th. Mention you are with Spring Life Church at the gate for entrance.
Foodie Dinner Tour is January 16th at 6pm. We'll meet at Beef O’Brady’s, 14387 Spring Hill Drive. Sign up on the Central HUB.
Women's Fun & Fellowship invites women of all ages to join us Friday, January 17th at 6 pm in building A, the LightHouse,. We will be having a pirate potluck dinner and watching a movie, "The Princess Bride". Wear your pirate gear, come have a swashbuckling good time - or walk the plank! Argh! We meet the third Friday of each month.
GriefShare is 13-week sessions, each of which have self-contained guidelines to help you along your journey. Sign up on the Web to participate in our next group of sessions. We are starting up the next 13-week of sessions on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 1-3 pm in Bldg D, room #3..
Ladies in Faith Together "L.I.F.T."
Our compliments and thank you's to the LIFT Board for hosting a Christmas Tea on Monday, December 9th . Everything was wonderful - the food, the decorations, a touching devotion, fun trivia and Q&A's, prizes, and a Pick-a-Gift. We were blessed by several ladies who brought in their beautiful treasured china sets for the tea. You all made everyone there feel so special and loved. Merry Christmas to the LIFT Board ladies and volunteers, and all the ladies that graced our tables. It was fun.
SpringLife Food Pantry Notice: Due to "Farm Share" not making deliveries on the Thursday's after Christmas and New Year's, our pantry hours will change:
It will be closed Wednesday: Jan 8, 2025.
We will resume the Food Pantry distribution on Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025 from 9 am – 2 pm.
A word from the Mission Team on the Foster Children's Party: The Mission team would like to say a special thanks to all those who turned out to help by volunteering to be servers, wrappers, greeters, decorators, in short whatever was needed to make the Foster Children’s Christmas Party happen. Even a Santa. A special thanks to Angie McCoy and her kitchen crew who prepared a delicious meal for the Foster Kids and families. And oh what a cookie baker, Jackie Potter! Thanks to Kathy Welch for organizing the volunteers for the event, helping Ruth and I shop—something we haven’t done for kids of those ages for a long time. Thanks to Melissa Rogers for bringing the YMCA in... who, if you hadn’t heard, offered free Y memberships to all the Kids and families. Thank you Pastor Greg for doing a way better job of praying than I would have. I hope I haven’t missed anyone. Oh yes, the office staff: Lorenda, Joanne, and Theresa who helped us coordinate all this by taking and funneling phone calls, inquiries about volunteering, and teaching us how to purchase all the gifts properly! Thank you all, bottom line, for helping us keep this tradition going when Mariann became unable to manage it this year. God richly blessed those of us who got to help make this happen in 2024! ~Bill Gamlin
Prayer Requests Ministry
Almost 50 Prayer Partners receive updates on all prayer requests via email, to pray over and intercede for requests each week. You may wish to be included as a prayer partner so call Lorenda in the office to add your email to the group. Submit prayer requests through our website or call the church office. We celebrate Praises and answers to prayer also. Prayer requests, updates and praises are shared each week as the Prayer list is updated and sent to all in the Ministry weekly either via email and on the printed copy found in the Sanctuary lobby each Sunday.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Did you know the ladies of this ministry make more than just prayer shawls and baby blankets? The ladies will the third Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am in building D, classroom #1. Next meeting is January 15th.
If you like to knit or crochet, the office will still accept your finished shawls for Pastor to bless during the summer. It's very important to follow the size guidelines. We have found these sizes to be best… For Baby Prayer Blankets: approximate size 29” by 29”. NO fringe please, and also solid soft colors are preferred. For Adult Prayer Shawls - please keep them to this size: 26” by 60” (no fringe), or 26” x 55” (with fringe). This adult size is very important—if they are too short, they don’t wrap around an adult comfortably. If they are too long and have extra fringe, they can get caught in the wheels of a wheelchair and create a safety hazard. Please bring completed Baby Blankets and Shawls to the office and Pastor Greg will bless them. ~Jackie Stout
Do you love to read and be around books, lots of them? If you are looking for a place to volunteer, but are limited in time, maybe the library is the place for you. You could serve on a rotation schedule. We will train you on the check in / check out process and feel certain you will enjoy your time serving. You can also visit with patrons as they stop in to look for specific items or just to say hello.
Volunteer Opportunities:
· Tuesday mornings from 10 – noon, on a rotation schedule.
· Sunday mornings 10:00 – 10:30 and 10:30 – 11:45 on a rotation schedule.
· We can discuss additional opportunities if it better suits your schedule.
Library circulation remains active. We appreciate donations and we evaluate each one for cataloging into the library, to offer them on the “free shelf” or to donate to other entities depending on condition, topic, and if the item is currently available in the library. We have a vast collection of books cataloged on the web for you to check out.
The library is open whenever the church is open. If the librarian, or volunteer, are not available, you can check out books by writing your name and the complete date on the card and leaving the card on the desk. You will find the card in the back of the book, CD, or DVD.
Thank you for your continued interest and support in the SpringLife Church Library. ~Lois Johnson, Librarian
Congregational Care Report- Monthly Report
“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2
Care Companions
We currently have 7 active Care Companions.
We have seen some recent changes in need and could benefit from a couple of NEW Care Companions who could call on our members.
Tuesday night dinners. You need to register on-line for this dinner each week. We offer dine in only. Our Purpose: We serve in Jesus’ Name to share and fellowship all He has set before us, providing food for the body and spiritual support for the soul. We are averaging 60-70 dine-in meals each week. We give a devotion, offer prayers, and share Christ through the dine-in experience. We can always use a few more volunteers. ~ Jan Griffioen
Note: there will be no dinners on Dec 31. We are closed to allow our volunteers to enjoy the holidays with their families.
The Food Pantry hosts Cup of Faith. Our time of coffee, brunch and fellowship is held in bldg B, the third Sunday of each month after the worship service. Cup of Faith has become a well attended, fun time to socialize after church. So much so, we are asking you to please sign up each month your intentions to join us. This serves a three-fold purpose: (1) it helps our chef to prepare enough food, (2) it allows you to help out, and (3) you can let us know if you would be bringing a special dish to share.
The drive-thru Pantry is open every Wednesday from 9 am to 2 pm in the back parking lot.
For our Wednesday pantry news:Thank you for your monetary donations . With your help, we are able to purchase items in quantity and at a lower cost than what is displayed on grocery shelves and fliers. Your generous contributions are quickly turned into food for our clients. The products received from Farm Share have decreased due to their funding which in turn has caused our expenses to increase. God Bless , ~Larry & Rose Milks
Note: Our Food Pantry will be CLOSED on Jan 1, & Jan 8, 2025, due to the gov't food trucks will not be running.
End of Year 2024 Donation Statements
Checks- deposited in the church offering in January of 2025 cannot be deducted in 2024, even if it is backdated to 2024. Only checks that are mailed and postmarked in 2024 are deductible in 2024, though they may not be received until 2025.
Text message- Contributions made by text message are deductible in the year the donor sends the text message if the contribution is charged to the telephone or wireless account.
Credit card- Contributions charged on the donor’s bank credit card are deductible in the year the donor makes the charge.
Pay-by-phone account- Contributions made through a pay-by-phone account are consider delivered on the date the financial institution pays the amount. This date will be show on the statement the financial institution sends the donor.
Please note– Donors may not be able to deduct individual contributions of $250 or more if you file a tax return before receiving a qualified contribution receipt. ~IRS Publication 526 (adapted)
5th Sunday Potluck... Thank you to our Chef Angie, her helpers, and several youth! They put on a wonderful German themed October luncheon. A variety of delicious German soups and dishes were served. It was a great turnout, with hardly a seat left. Please remember to sign up for the next one in March 2025.
The Bible on Video
Some of the most beautiful passages of the Bible can be found in Psalms. And the first four books in the New Testament are filed with the spoken words of Jesus. Many of our SpringLife members and guests have recorded chapters and whole books for your listening enjoyment. All New Testament books are available, as well as many of the Old Testament favorites. Accessing them is easy - go to the home web page and click "Watch" at the top, then click Video Bible Readings. From there you will have your choice of Books to watch, and even chapters. We would love volunteers willing to help us finish recording the Old Testament books (filled with challenging names). If you are up to the challenge, call the office. We'd love to complete the Bible. As Pastor Greg says You may not know how to pronounce the names, be as Pastor Greg says, “Be bold and no one will know the difference.” Be a fool for Christ. Sign up to read Bible chapters.
Ask the Administrator, Bob Coldwell
Next week is Christmas and there are parties to attend and special services happening. We as a staff want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! It's our privilege to serve this congregation and be a part of what God is doing in the lives of His people here and we look look forward to seeing where He moves in 2025.
There's lots going on to be a part of this fall. Between outreach events like Trunk or Treat and Men/Women's groups meeting, 3rd Sunday Fellowships and Foodie Tours and swoon it will be the season of Advent and preparing for Christmas time.
Finance Update thru :
Operating Expenses: $604,214
Operating Income: $577,566
Mortgage Expenses: $52,875
Mortgage Giving: 45,372