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Ongoing Groups During the Week

Weekday Groups


Precepts Bible study on the Psalms began Monday January 27th from 1 pm—2:30 pm in bldg D, #4. Through Psalms we learn about God—His attributes, what pleases and displeases Him, His relationship to the righteous and the wicked, and His revelation of the future concerning Messiah, salvation, and judgment. The class on the 1st 22 Psalms. Registration for this class has closed.

Pastor Greg's Wednesday Bible study on 1 Corinthians meets at 6 pm in bldg B. Registration not needed. Just come with your favorite Bible and a desire to GROW in God's Word.

*Pastor Greg's Hebrew Bible study. The study is finished, but...we have a link to the entire series! It's great for anyone wanting to revisit a special chapter. Or if you were unable to come, you can use it as a summer study and watch it in its entirety at your own pace. Click the link below for the youtube page which will list all the weeks of Pastor Greg's Hebrew study.

 Lamplighters After a long period of healing and rest, we are pleased to report that Mariann will be leading the Tuesday Lamplighters Bible study again. The group starts up on March 11th at 11 am in bldg D, classroom #3. Mariann will pick up with the study of Romans Chapter 11. This weekly study is open to all.  



The Ladies LIFT "Ladies in Fellowship Together" host special holiday gatherings throughout the year. Look for our announcements in coming months for their next time of fellowship. These usually include a luncheon or refreshments, devotions, a special keynote speaker, and more.

Mary Martha Bible study This group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm in classroom #1 of bldg D. Class is led by Sharon Swierenga with the study "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer. Book cost is $25. Tuesday, Feb 18 is week #4 and the focus is on "The Shoes of Peace".



*Men's Apologetic's Bible study meets on Tuesdays at 8:30 am at Panera on hwy 19. All men are invited to attend.

*Men's Bible study meets Thursdays at 8:30 am in classroom #3 of building D. All men are encouraged and invited to attend.

‘Act Like Men’ Bible study and Breakfast... meets the first Saturday of each month in bldg A. It runs from 8:30-10 AM. Next meeting is March 1st. As Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Come fellowship with other men. We have started a breakfast potluck "tradition" where each person brings something to share. Could be a casserole, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, fresh fruit, coffee, What would you like to bring? Come with Bibles ready. Hope to see you there!!


Small groups bible Studies meet within host homes.

*Our SpringLife Small Group "His Way/Good News" meets at various homes on the 2nd at 4th Thursdays of each month. We are currently studying the Sermon on the Mount. The leaders are Dave and Karen Laforme (h) 352-610-9408. We are looking to grow the group. We meet at 7 pm for about 2 hours. We set aside 1 hour for the lesson, 20 minutes for prayer, and offer refreshments.

Sunday School classes for Adults meets at 9 am, in the Sanctuary building D:

Rock for All Ages in S# 2. All are welcome. We meet all year long! We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00. Our curriculum is Bible Studies for Life, a variety of topics throughout the year. We are a discussion group where we want everyone to feel comfortable contributing to the lessons.

Christianity Today in classroom #4. Please note: this class will NOT meet in February.